Şifremi Unuttum

A View From The Bridge - Arthur Miller

Ürün Kodu : 222232
Barkod Kodu : 9780141189963
395,25 TL

AView From The Bridge


Format: Kitap

Barkod: 9780141189963

Cilt Durumu: Ciltsiz


Ürün Tanıtımı

ArthurMiller's play A View from the Bridge is a tragic masterpiece of the inexorableunravelling of a man, set in a close-knit Italian-American community in 1950sNew York.


EddieCarbone is a longshoreman and a straightforward man, with a strong sense ofdecency and of honour. For Eddie, it's a privilege to take in his wife'scousins, Marco and Rodolpho, straight off the boat from Italy. But, as hisniece Catherine begins to fall for one of them, it's clear that it's not just,as Eddie claims, that he's too strange, too sissy, too careless for her, butthat something bigger, deeper is wrong - and wrong inside Eddie, in a way hecan't face. Something which threatens the happiness of their whole family.


ThisPenguin Classics edition includes an introduction by the author and a newforeword by actor Philip Seymour Hoffman.




Basım Dili: İngilizce

Sayfa Sayısı: 72

En / Boy: 13,50 x 20,00 cm

Kağıt Cinsi: 2.Hamur

BasımTarihi: 2010







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