Şifremi Unuttum

Foucault's Pendulum - Umberto Eco

Ürün Kodu : 336657
Barkod Kodu : 9780099287155
484,50 TL



Format: Kitap

Barkod: 9780099287155

Cilt Durumu: Ciltsiz


Ürün Tanıtımı

'Brilliant,funny, encompassing everything you ever wanted to know about practicallyeverything (including numerology, James Bond's foes, and the construction ofsewers) this book is both extraordinarily learned and well plotted' -SundayTimes


'Endlesslydiverting... Even more intricate and absorbing than his internationalbestseller The Name of the Rose' -Time


Threebook editors, jaded by reading far too many crackpot manuscripts on the mysticand the occult, are inspired to have some fun by an extraordinary conspiracystory told to them by a strange colonel. They start feeding random bits ofinformation into a powerful computer capable of inventing connections betweenthe entries, thinking they are creating nothing more than an amusing game, butthen their game starts to take over, the deaths start mounting, and they areforced into frantic search for the truth.


'Anintellectual adventure story as sensational thrilling and packed with arcana asRaiders of the Lost Ark or The Count of Monte Cristo' -Washington Post BookWorld


'UmbertoEco is literature's great magician...He offers us many passagesof brilliance,and treats us to a Shakespearean alternation of paroxysm and intimacy, madnessand wisdom. There is something here for everyone. His genius affords hisreaders a selection of delights that will make their heads spin' -Le Monde


'Ricand witty'


Basım Dili: İngilizce

Sayfa Sayısı: 641

En / Boy: 12,50 x 19,50 cm

Kağıt Cinsi: 1.Hamur

BasımTarihi: 2001








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