Gelince Haber VerPoemsof Nazim Hikmet
Format: Kitap
Barkod: 9780892552740
Cilt Durumu: Ciltsiz
Ürün Tanıtımı
'Arare guide to remaining hopeful and in love with life, pure of heart and human,passionate and dedicated to the common good.'
-fromthe Foreword by Carolyn Forche
Thissecond edition of Poems of Nazim Hikmet, revised and expanded on the occasionof the poet's centennial, features his one hundred best poems, chosen from thelength of his forty-year career and presented in the widely acclaimed Englishversions that have made him such an influential presence in contemporary poetryfor the past quarter-century. The first and foremost modern Turkish poet,Hikmet (1902-1903) served a thirteen-year sentence as a pılitical prisoner inhis native Turkey and spent his last thirteen years in wxile. Banned in his owncountry for thirty years, his poetry has been translated into more than fiftylanguages, and today he is recognized around the world as one of the essentialpoets of the twentieth century and even 'one of the great poetic voices ofall time' (Multicultural, review).
Basım Dili: İngilizce
Sayfa Sayısı: 274
En / Boy: 13,50 x 21,00 cm
Basım Tarihi: Haziran 2002