Şifremi Unuttum

Silent House - Orhan Pamuk

Ürün Kodu : 323461
Barkod Kodu : 9780571275953
450,50 TL




Format: Kitap

Barkod: 9780571275953

Cilt Durumu: Ciltsiz


Ürün Tanıtımı

In an oldmansion in Cennethisar, a former fishing village near Istanbul, an old widowFatma awaits the annual summer visit of her grandchildren. She has lived in thevillage for decades, ever since her husband, an idealistic young doctor, firstarrived to serve the poor fishermen. Now mostly bedridden, she is attended byher faithful servant Recep, a dwarf and the doctor's illegitimate son. Theyshare memories, and grievances, of the early years, before Cennethisar became ahigh-class resort. Her visiting grandchildren are Faruk, a dissipated failedhistorian; his sensitive leftist sister, Nilgun; and Metin, a high schoolstudent drawn to the fast life of the nouveaux riches, who dreams of going toAmerica. But it is Recep's nephew Hassan, a high-school dropout, lately fallenin with right-wing nationalists, who will draw the visiting family into thegrowing political cataclysm issuing from Turkey's tumultuous century-longstruggle for modernity.


Basım Dili: İngilizce

Sayfa Sayısı: 402

En / Boy: 11,00 x 17,50 cm

Kağıt Cinsi: 2.Hamur

BasımTarihi: 2013



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