Şifremi Unuttum

Snow - Orhan Pamuk

Ürün Kodu : 287707
Barkod Kodu : 9780571218318
408,00 TL


Authorof My Name is Red


Format: Kitap

Barkod: 9780571218318

Cilt Durumu: Ciltsiz


Ürün Tanıtımı

After twelveyears in political exile in Germany, a poet Ka returns to Istanbul for hismother's funeral, and takes a commission to report on the municipal electionsin Kars near the Russian border. There he discovers a dangerous atmosphere,with tensions running high between the political Islamists and the'enlightened, pro-Western' Turkish military. The second half of the novel takesplace over a three-day period. Following the set-piece military coup, Pamukbrilliantly explores such themes as politics, love, ethics, religion andpoetry, as we gradually discover the real truth concerning the poet and thesnow covered old-world city of Kars.


Basım Dili: İngilizce

Sayfa Sayısı: 436

En / Boy: 13,50 x 21,00 cm

Kağıt Cinsi: 2.Hamur

BasımTarihi: 2004



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