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The Time Machine - Stage 4 - İngilizce Hikaye - H. G. Wells

Ürün Kodu : 471058
Barkod Kodu : 9786059533645
51,00 TL

TheTime Machine - Stage 4 - İngilizce Hikaye

H.G. Wells

Format: Kitap

Barkod: 9786059533645

Cilt Durumu: Ciltsiz


Ürün Tanıtımı

A famousEnglish scientist (the Time Traveller) tells his friends about his vision oftime and space. Moreover, he shows them a model of his own time machine whichhe is going to use in the next few days. Despite his best intentions, hisfriends take his story entirely with a degree of scepticism. Nevertheless, theTime Traveller risks everything and travels through time into a very farfuture. Thus he goes to the year 802701 A.D. There he finds himself in anabsolutely different England, which looks rather like a Utopia than his nativeplace. He makes up his mind to stay in an unknown future for a while, so thatto discover its inhabitants and new ways of life. In the course of time, theTime Traveller finds England and the whole human race in complete ruins. Thepeople of the far future seem to have lost their intellect, ambition, andinterest in art and science. That is more, the Time Traveller discovers two newhuman species: the Eloi – the beautiful and weak human-like creatures, and theMorlocks – inhuman and cruel creatures who hate daylight and live undergroundfor their whole lives. After facing many dangerous adventures in 802701 A.D.,the Time Traveller travels forward in time with incredible speed. This time hefinds himself 30 million years ahead in the future. To his great surprise, herealizes that the life on earth had disappeared fully and the sun had turned intoa huge red giant… Will he ever come back home? Or will he continue histravelling back or forward in time? This choice is only up to the TimeTraveller.


Basım Dili: İngilizce

Sayfa Sayısı: 72

En / Boy: 13,00 x 20,00 cm

Kağıt Cinsi: 2.Hamur

Basım Tarihi: Ocak 2020


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